CMST 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Psychometrics, Gamergate Controversy, Instrumentalism

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Question about black mirror on final exam. Things to look at (most of these will be on the exam! Media schools and their theories market driven way of life. Eg. frankfurt school argues that industrial capitalism penetrates cultural life - Read lecture slides - all definitions are there. Closer = signifies fixing of device or system into a socially recognized object (**multiple choice on exam) Eg. crtc - canadian radio-television and telecommunications commission** on exam. Cbc has not remained immune to commercial pressures - true. Netflix is not subject to same regulatory requirements as canadian television. Computers are reimagined as technologies of liberation. Fantasy - zuckerberg just wants to connect people all over the world. Didn"t imagine these tech would be used for surveillance. Restoring social bond and sense of solidarity. Robert mcchesney - capitalist societies offer facade of consumer freedom. Harold innis - every medium has a particular bias (time biased vs space biased)