CMST 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Content Analysis, Alternative Media, Post-Structuralism

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In the environmental sphere we are increasingly aware that how we use natural resources air water land minerals plant fish in one corner of the world has significantly implications for the rest of the planet. Five realms/ aspects ( economic, political, social, cultural, environmental: economic. Increased economic interdependence between nations through global free trade agreements. Digital divide - have and the have nots: different access to and ability to use communication technologies, can exacerbate already existing social inequalities. 6 factors why capital is most successful in world markets (from warwick murray) (g,c,w,t,b,s: emergence of new global technological infrastructures, new global tech, a rise in velocity of cross border cultural exchanges. Cross border cultural exchange: rise of western culture as central driver of cultural interaction. Rise of western culture: rise of transnational corporations in culture industries. Rise of transnational corporations: rise of business culture as main driver of cultural exchange. Rise of business culture: shift in geography of cultural exchanges.