[CMST 1A03] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (34 pages long!)

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Op-ed due week of september 26th (tutorial friday september 30th, 8:30am) How to submit: hard copy in tutorial, drop box submission on avenue (due before class starts) The act of making a message common to one or more people (pg. The act of transmitting and exchanging information and meaning through any form of language. There are different ways of conceptualizing this broad definition: 3 models. Who says > what > to whom > in what channel > with what effect: ex. What" of the message is clearly communicated with the whom" they are speaking with; although this is not always the case. Shannon & weaver"s mathematical model: encoder (source) formulates, words (message), which goes through a, channel (medium, receiver decodes (interprets); may give feedback to encoder (like a read receipt") Interference with message = noise (loud bass, background noise, static noise) Accounts for noise interference with intended message. Simplicity of model not good for social science, humanities.