[CLASSICS 1B03] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (62 pages long)

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Heroic past: stories of gods and men. Iliad & odyssey became the standard: beginning of literature, little known poetry before. Composed on the spot (usually to an illiterate crowd) Helpful tricks: traditional stories, dactylic hexameter, repeated words & phrases. Epithets: adjective phrases, varies in context (owl-eyed. (cid:885)(cid:884)(cid:885) bce: book divisions (cid:494)final(cid:495) editions (cid:523)(cid:884)(cid:886) books(cid:524) Rumor in antiquity: blind /divinely inspired, blindness = sight of higher level (cid:494)(omeric question(cid:495, authorship of iliad and odyssey, unitarians: one master poet responsible for both, analysts: collaborative process & patchwork process. Narrates a very short time frame within the trojan war (as opposed to. Story of ilion (latin: ilium) = troy. Begins in final year of 10-year war. Greek army (alliance, not unified country: small kingdoms, loyal to different kings -> chaos. Agamemnon & achilles: a quarrel for honor. Celebration of heroism: consequences for upholding these values. Ominous dream for hecuba -> baby exposed (abandon, left to gods)