CHEM 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Liposome, Photobleaching, Cell Membrane

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19 Oct 2015
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CHEM 1A03 Full Course Notes
CHEM 1A03 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Explain the data for gfp-xr in liposomes (1 mark) how is it different in the plasma membrane of a cell? (1 mark) The liposomes that underwent photobleaching were able to recover from the event due to the lateral movements of the surrounding liposomes. The liposomes moved quickly, able to move- into" the photobleached area within 25 seconds. This is noticeable in the above graph, once the bleaching occurs (at t=25s), the liposomes almost immediately return to previous (initial) fluorescence intensity (at t=50s). This is due to the rapid lateral movement of the surrounding liposomes in the cell. The plasma membrane cells weren"t as efficient in their movements to aid in the recovery from the photobleaching. Once the photobleached occurred, there was no signs of lateral movement in the surrounding area. The fluorescence intensity was reduced to 1000 units, and remained there for the duration of time (from t=25s t=90s).