BIOLOGY 1M03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Orrorin, Sahelanthropus, Oligocene

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Particular site may not always contain appropriate material. Radiometric dating is often supplemented with relative methods: magnetic reversals, extinct and distinct species of animals. Vascular plants circulation system; larger than non-vascular plants. Gymnosperm produces ovules that lack a cover. Angiosperm vascular plants that form flowers; seeds can have a fruit coat around seed coat (testa), must have endosperm within seeds. By end of cretaceous 65 mya, large canopy forming angiosperms replaced conifers as dominant trees. Relationship with animals pollination, defense, dispersal. Adaptations for climbing and locomotion (leaping, walking etc. ) Nails (instead of claws) on toes and fingers. Plesiadapiforms extinct; some primate-like traits; 65-54 mya. Carpolestes simpsoni small creature, lived ~56 mya, opposable big toe with flat nail instead of claws, molars consistent with frugivory. Primate traits favored by natural selection: binocular vision, grasping hands and feel, nails on fingers and toes. Enhanced visually directed predation in insects in the terminal branches of trees.