BIOLOGY 1M03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Homo Ergaster, Paranthropus Aethiopicus, Paranthropus Robustus

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6 million years ago, climate, geographic change led to the evolution of hominins: cooling, less rain, rain seasonality, woodland and savanna spread. Hominae- clade containing gorillas, chimps and humans. Between 7 to 5 mya, the common ancestor of chimps and humans roamed the earth. At the beginning, some of the ancestors of humans: sahelanthropus was found in chad, africa and was dated at about 6-7 million years old. Features: foramen magnum suggests bipedality, chimpanzee-sized brain, small canines, flat face and large browridge: orrorin was found in kenya, africa and was dated to be about 6 million years old. Mix of woodland and savanna habitat, femur suggests bipedality and teeth are chimpanzeelike: ardipithecus kadabba was found in ethiopa, africa and was dated to be about 5. 2-5. 8 million years old. Features: toe bone suggests bipedality, canine sharpens against lower premolar: ardipithecus ramidus was found in ethiopa, africa and was dated to be about 4. 4 million years old.