[BIOLOGY 1M03] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (107 pages long!)

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The impact of disturbance is considered to be a factor of 3 variables: frequency type of disturbance: severity. Ecological indicators can assess ecosyste(cid:373)"s health (cid:271)(cid:455) (cid:395)ua(cid:374)tif(cid:455)i(cid:374)g wate(cid:396) (cid:395)ualit(cid:455), biodiversity, and abundance of degradation of tolerant species. Species diversity measure of the variety and relative abundance of species present in an ecological community. Species richness total number of species in a community. Shannon index is used to quantify species diversity. To calculate p (proportion of species), divide the amount of certain species by the total amount of species in the habitat. It remover dead matter: clears overgrown cover, alters soil conditions, trigger vegetation. Decrease the likelihood of the naturally occurring fire. Used with high disturbances: natural burning. Left to burn out on its own. Used with moderate disturbances: fire suppression. Immediate intervention (fire extinguishing + removal of fuel) Suppression is better used near oil sands and residences.