ARTHIST 1AA3- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 82 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Patronage, faith and secular life in 14th-century euro- pean art. Scrovengi chapel: by giotto di bondone, 1305-1306, padua (northeastern italy) Barrel vaulted chapel, ceiling to the chapel, Also been called the arena chapel built on the side of a roman arena. The last judgement scene: scrovengni had giotto include him presenting a model of the chapel to the virgin. Narrative: the story told in the individual scenes. How scenes relate to one another and how they are part of a larger story. What does the work represent: scenes from the life of christ and mary. 2: when giotto was presenting opposing virtues, like faith, hope charity, prudence, fortitude and temperance and justice, he took the color out of the scenes and painted in grey. He put these virtues across from sinful ones: the artist was not at liberty to paint what they want (patron)