[ANTHROP 2D03] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (67 pages long!)

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Remaining 1% in inaccessible because of how dif cult it is to sequence. Evolutionary genetics has very deep time and shallow time into the past. Shallow history = shallow genetic history for humans. An i. e. of rna with no dna is a virus. Genomic or nuclear dna contained in the nucleus of the cell. Mitochondria also contain a small separate genome called mitochondrial dna. *genetics allows connections between mammals that physiology just does not show. 46 linear molecules (chromosomes) per diploid cell mtdna. 2-10 copies per mitochondrion, 1000s of copies per molecule. 4 bases/nucleotides - a, t, c, g. Made up of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and phosphorus. Exon - coding portion of the gene. Intron - non-coding portion of the gene. No code, but important for production of the exon. I. e. hair colour, eye, repair quality in the body. Dna transcription to rna splicing to mrna protein synthesis.