ANTHROP 1AA3- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 50 pages long!)

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Distal: furthest away from the center of the body. Proximal: the end nearest the center of the body. Metacarpals: five finger bones at the proximal end of the hand. Carpals: the eight hand bones furthest away the fingers. Radius: one of the two longs bones in the forearm; broad at distal and narrow at proximal. Ulna: the other long bone in the forearm; broad at proximal and narrow at distal. Humerus: single long bone of your upper arm. Glenoid fossa: slight depression in which the humerus fits to articulate with the scapula. Clavicle: shallow, elongated, s-shaped bone that connects the scapula with the sternum; the bone that runs vertically down the center of your chest. Femur: longest bone in the body; thigh bone. Postcranial: not forming part of the cranium, or skull. Growing length of the legs relative to the arms: humerofemoral index: (length of humerus/length of the femur)*100.