[ANTHROP 1AA3] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (30 pages long)

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Document Summary

Etymology of anthropology : anthropos= humankind/ humanity, logos- discussion (discourse) study of, study of humanity. The scope of anthropology: from global to local: the stereotype: westerners working in exotic places, past practices did focus on non-western cultures (e. g africa, pacific islands, Peru, egypt: previously western cultures studied by others, historians, sociologists, political scientists. Anthropology of western societies & studying up": west is not a normative template, our" cultures need analysis, global processes/local implication, diasporic studies, studying up" power relations. Poverty: 1960"s educators discovery, concluded due to the economic issues (poverty, anthropologists" bigger context of milk consumption, many cultures do not drink fresh milk; sour,cheese,none. A: 75% of native americans were lactose intolerance. How is holistic anthropology achieved: multi-faced, inter-disciplinary, application of a wide array of methods and approaches (hyper-specialization, different skills/approached conceptualized as 4 sub-fields. September 7th 2016: social and cultural, archaeology, physical anthropology, linguistics.