PSYC 471 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gifted Education, Deconstruction, Meta-Analysis

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One of the most popular components to motivational psychology. When we want to achieve more motivation, we set a goal. Asked what resolution was/rating of their own resolution. A goal, but a serious important goal trying to change something about ourselves/what we care about. Many of us are aware of the fact that we failed. Next year, set same resolution, fail again, etc. Motivation: drive, energy and focus what people think about when they think about motivation. Three things that happen as soon as you set a goal: universal action principles. =real life example of goal-setting/involves a self-change attempt/likely failure. Most people that succeed at quitting smoking, do it on their own. 50% of americans make resolutions, and they usually make 2-3. Vicarious goals: people that you"re close to suggest goals for you. =almost a quarter of people failed after the first week.