PSYC 333 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Assertiveness, Dispositional Attribution, Meta-Analysis

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Paradoxical effects of thought suppression - wegner, schneider, carter & white: stream of conscious task: verbalize thoughts for the next 5 minutes, manipulate (after practice), suppress thought then express thought, express though then suppress thought. Only ps with negative cueing suffer from rebound effect. Why rebound effect: attempts to distract involve thinking without focus, told what to avoid, but not what to focus on, negative cueing: Intention to suppress a thought involves operation of two cognitive processes: controlled distractor search designed to keep distractor in consciousness, automatic target search that keeps eye out for unwanted thought. If automatic search nds target, controlled distractor ready to step in with distractor: automatic target search makes person continually sensitive to unwanted thought. Hyperaccessibility of suppressed thoughts - wegner & erber: suppressed vs. Word association task: how often do ps think of suppressed work when presented with association word, prompts: home, door, brick, roof, prompts: mother, little, adult, young.