PSYC 305 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Repeated Measures Design, Linear Regression, Analysis Of Covariance

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Interval or ratio z test: sample mean vs population mean: assumptions: Known mean ( ) and standard deviation of population ( ) Random sample of the population t test when population std dev ( ) is unknown: sample vs population means: h0: = (constant for what population mean is, assumptions: Random sample of the population: df = n-1; t (n-1) = ______, p. Independent t test: tests mean of 2 unknown populations: h0: 1= 2, assumptions: Random sample of the population: df= n1+n2-2 ; t(n1+n2-2) = __________, p. 2 (tests independence of nominal variables: h0: two (nominally scaled) variables are statistically independent (no association), assumptions: A sufficiently large sample size is required (n 20) Average cell frequency should be 5: expected frequency: (row total) * (column total)/ (sample size, df = (r-1)(c-1) Ordinal: kruskall wallis h (rank test, h0: k independent samples come from the same population, df = k-1 when nj 3 & k 3.