[PSYC 305] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 164 pages long Study Guide!

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29 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Population: the entire set of things of interest. Population mean, population standard deviation, population correlation, etc. This is useful because we can very rarely question an entire population. E. g. , studying drinking habits for students in canada. Typically this provides the data we will look at. Because we can very rarely have the entire population in hand. So, we look at a small portion of the population. Estimate: a property of a sample (sometimes called sample statistic) Same estimates are known entities about the sample. Sample mean, sample standard deviation, sample correlation, etc. You can compute a sample mean, sample correlation, etc. and then you describe these statistics. In some cases, you may have the entire population in hand, and then you can have some known data about this population this would be descriptive statistics. If you look at any aspect of known data, then you are dealing with descriptive statistics.