PSYC 215- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 41 pages long!)

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Psyc 215: attachment and close relationships lecture: the close relationships literature examines: Types (ex: friendship, family, romantic) and styles (ex: companionate, passionate) of relationships. Evolution has wired humans to seek closeness and, thereby, emotional security: we learn patterns of closeness: Expectancies about whether others will be available and responsive. Working models of how best to achieve closeness and emotional security: adult attachment theory: Approximate percentages in most studies using a three-category approach: secure: 55, avoidant: 25, anxious: 20% Method: dating couples, attachment styles were measured, woman told she would be taking part in a stressful activity , couple videotaped while they waited for 5 minutes. Working model = network of representations that shapes attachment behaviour and emotional reactions. Likely includes declarative and procedural social knowledge. Yes maintain proximity, express anxiety, clinging, anger & ambivalence. No defensiveness, avoid intimacy, self-reliance as a way to cope & feel safe.