PSYC 213 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Nystagmus, Backmasking, Tacit Knowledge

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Cognitive psychology: the action/faculty of knowing: low level processing: sensory information, little to no analysis (e. g. hot, cold, red, green). Everything about humans is predetermined at birth. : antithesis: an opposing statement (ex. Everything about humans is a product of their environment. : synthesis: the mediated view (ex. Humans are affect both by predetermined factors at birth and as a result of their environments. ) Rationalism: major names: plato, descartes, the truth about the world is within your head. Empiricism: major names: aristotle, locke, the truth about the worlds lies within the world. Structuralism: major names: wundt, understanding behavior by understanding the structures of the brain. Functionalism: understanding behavior by understanding mental processes. Associationism: major names: ebbinghaus and locke, mental processes operate by the association of one state with a successor state. Behaviorism: major names: watson and skinner, all behavior arises as a result of reward and punishment (action/reaction).