PSYC 212 Study Guide - Final Guide: Electric Light, Wind Wave, Rayleigh Scattering

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Affected by stimulus expectation, motivation, response bias, If liberal, higher probability of answering yes (hits/false alarms) If conservative, higher probably of answering no (miss, correct rejection: roc curve can show how liberal or conservative the criterion is. Liberal will be upper right hand criterion. Conservative means lower left hand criterion: sensitivity signal intensity and detection sensitivity both contribute to stimuli response, a large gap (high d") between the n and n+s. D" indicates the sensitivity level of the person to the stimuli. 0. 5-1. 0 (no idea to perfect score) shows sensitivity. 1. 0 sensitive to stimulus: staircase procedure if the person isn"t responding well, bring down/up the stimuli to narrow down their sensitivity level so they can detect it better. Two separate areas are connected in speech production and understanding but are specific in their function: challenge to functional specialization. Phineas gage: partial damage to the parts of the prefrontal cortex.