[PSYC 211] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 131 pages long Study Guide!

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Behavioural neuroscience: the study of perceptual processes, control of movement, sleep and waking, reproductive behaviours, emotional behaviours, learning, language, and psychopathology. Biological understanding of behaviour- the neurons and how they communicate and how we build up circuits. Why we do not have a lot of robots in real life: It is very hard to get a machine to see or to get it to walk or move the hand. It is difficult to do what the brain does- the brain has evolved through evolution to do these remarkable things. Often not made big advances on this concept. Solving consciousness would make machines a lot smarter. No idea how it is created, but people theorize on it. Humans have an awareness of the info we process. - objects/robots do not have this- there is no meaning to the things they see. Consciousness is are awareness, are ability to have meaning to our lives. Awareness of our thoughts, perceptions, memories, and feelings.