POLI 362 Study Guide - Final Guide: Just War Theory, Appeasement, Jus Ad Bellum

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> aggression is bad; aggression includes forcing our ideas on others; defensive wars okay. But there are assuredly cases in which it is allowable to go to war, without having been ourselves attacked, or threatened with attack. > just war theory only extends to "civilized" peoples. First: the rules of ordinary international morality imply reciprocity. Second: nations which are still barbarous have not got beyond the period during which it is likely to be for their benefit that they should be conquered and held in subjection by foreigners. The only moral laws for the relation between a civilized and a barbarous government, are the universal rules of morality between man and man. A civilized peoples, finding barbarians as neighbours, are obliged to conquer them. however, this also means that the civilized people is morally responsible for all evil it allows them to do. > civilized peoples cannot interfere in affairs of other civilized peoples.