POLI 244 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mikhail Gorbachev, Brezhnev Doctrine, Dell Compellent

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Document Summary

Poli 244 - comprehensive study guide for finals. International relations: study of interactions among various actors that participate in international politics i. e. sovereign states, local governments, igos. State sovereignty and territoriality: states have the exclusive right to govern over their own land. International anarchy: international anarchy refers to the idea that there is no world government (decentralized political authority) State-centrism in ir theorizing: state-centrism is the practice of observing what states do on the world stage and how they affect others (state = principal unit of analysis) - simplifies complexity of ir. States are unitary actors: aggregate national interest. States are sovereign actors: control what happens in their territories with hierarchical internal organization. States are resourceful actors: have capacity to extract and allocate resources (i. e. taxes) as well as wield organized violence is a massive way (concentrated power) 1st image: individual level action, gender, personality traits. Looks at individual decision-makers: human nature , psychological constraints on.