POLI 243 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mercantilism, Cuban Missile Crisis, Security Dilemma

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This division of labour is organized in a hierarchic fashion, similar to the way one conceptualizes the relations between classes within society: the world is a structural whole, and it the appropriate unit of analysis, the various parts of the system are functionally related, via the international division of labour, states and markets are the products of underlying social (ie. class) dynamics. Bandwagoning: weak states joining stronger sides for protection, stephen walt, a strategy based on balance of power/distribution of power logic, weak side joins strong side, they don"t want to go with the losing side so they go with the winning side. Balancing: states joining each other in alliances to balance other powerful state alliances, states can either directly balance aggressors or they can form a coalition to balance the aggressor, chain ganging together against a power to balance, eg: cold war ussr and usa.