POLI 212 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Civil Society, Bolsheviks, Social Democracy

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10 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Political rise and fall of democracy time frame: age of nationalism, post wwi age of national become nation states late compared to world wars- political and economic overlap in state run ideals, Civil society (turned right bc of communism, governement is useless- national socialis then i chage going into ww2. Fear of communism in german and italy and other areas. Proportional representation in legislature gave more power to executive. Weimar republic- crated so much divide, emphasis on right and division of right, gave hitler a lot of power. Unification on national identity- divided germany in weimar area. Encourages a move towards the center do to issues of weimar. Depending on makeup of state- diff systems can work better (auth or consosiational) Unitary vs. federal has to do with bur. Local legis in uk- unique quality in unitary system. But unification of diff kingdoms (even though local autonomy it is unitary due to unification)