POLI 212 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Prime Head, Presidential System, Party System

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Theories explain they explain as many things as possible while using as few ingredients as possible (as many = generality, few ingredients = parsimony) State a body that exercise exclusive political authority over a population in a specific territory. Exclusive i(cid:374)ter(cid:374)al + e(cid:454)ter(cid:374)al re(cid:272)og(cid:374)itio(cid:374) (cid:894)(cid:374)o ri(cid:448)als to the state(cid:859)s po(cid:449)er (cid:449)ithi(cid:374) the state) Authority laws, taxes, legitimate use of force. What is important is the power of the state to facilitate trade and transportation over large distances using standardization (units of measure, etc. ) Other forms of political organization do not states are more economically viable (this makes them come out on top) Sovereignty: supreme or independent power or authority in government as possessed or claimed by a state or community. Globalization: process in which human interactions increasingly take place on a worldwide scale, going beyond the level of the state. Interconnected economies, emigration: might take a(cid:449)a(cid:455) fro(cid:373) the state(cid:859)s so(cid:448)ereig(cid:374)t(cid:455) (cid:894)(cid:272)o(cid:373)peti(cid:374)g authorit(cid:455) (cid:271)et(cid:449)ee(cid:374) interconnected states, ex: multinational corporations.