POLI 211 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Liberal Democracy, Modernization Theory, Solipsism

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Goods that are for the general public, you technically aren"t paying for them but you"re paying taxes. You"re not paying for them at the store for ex. Example: merchant ship captain is given power given restraints . Paradox of power is created by the combination of the need for power but worried that the person will abuse and the solution is to put constraints on it. Quartermaster is a separate branch system of checks and balances (if you re talking about president in u. s. , the president can veto a bill which is a check on the legislature that they can"t make any law they want. President"s ruling with 2/3rds house and 2/3rds of senate. His relation is that the states have different ways of overcoming. Solution: solve with democracy and make each other"s interests aligned. Community of understanding: sproule jones reading says all canadians we all understand the laws but it"s understood .