PHGY 209- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 111 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Includes the complex processes that depend on the interplay of many widely separated organs in the body. Physiological genomics: integration of molecular biology with physiology. Many disease states are also physiology gone wrong. It is important for pathologists to understand and know physiology to deal with disease. Cells: simplest structural units into which a complex multicellular organism can be divided and still retain the functions characteristic of life. Certain fundamental activities are common to all cells. All cells exchange materials with their immediate environment. Cell differentiation: the transformation of an unspecialized cell into a specialized cell. Muscle cells: generate the mechanical forces that produce movement. When contracted, they change the diameter of these tubes. Nerve cells: initiate and conduct electrical signals, often over long distances. Provide a major way of controlling the activities of other cells. Epithelial cells: responsible for the selective secretion and absorption of ions and organic molecules and for protection.