PATH 300 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pertussis Toxin, Rhinovirus, Coronavirus

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17 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Diseases of the respiratory system part i (chp 12, lecture 16) Resp infections and lung diseases are high up on the cod list globally and it increases every year (other types of infections are less prominent) Certain areas of the lung are more prone to infection than others (peanuts) Nasal cavity nose contains hair, cilia and epithelium to filter the air that you breathe. Large particles are captures in hair and mucous membrane lining the tract. Particles moved by cilia down to oes then swallowed, stomach digests the particles with acid. Macrophages patrol the airway to pick up dust and other inhaled particles. Epiglottis prone to h. influenza life threatening obs of the airway (most ppl vaxx) Larynx vocal chords prone to laryngitis. Trachea the main airway which divides into two (main bronchi) then into multiple airways (bronchioles, terminal bronchioles) Pleura cover the surface of the lung itself (visceral) and the other layer (parietal) lining the chest.