NUR1 422 Study Guide - Final Guide: Brainstorming, Welterweight, Statistical Significance

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Measurement = the process of assigning numbers to objects, persons, states or events in accordance with specific rules to represent quantities or qualities of attributes. Obtained score = true score +/- error: obtained score ex: patient heart rate, systolic blood pressure, score on depression scale or loneliness scale, true score the value that would be obtained with an infallible measure. The true value is hypothetical it can never be known because measures are not infallible: error factors that distort the measurement. Random error poor precision, non-specific causes, not reproducible: situational contaminants. Ex: people awareness of an observer can affect their behaviour conditions: personal factors. Ex: fatigue of the informants, motivation, concentration : instrumental factors. Systematic error bias is consistent or uniform: bias can never be avoided completely. Ex: if a scale consistently measures people"s weights as being 2 kg heavier than their true weight. Reliability = the consistency with which an instrument measures the attribute.