LING 201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Voicelessness, Nasal Vowel, International Phonetic Alphabet

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Document Summary

Vocal cords to create seal over passage to lungs. To move food to teeth and back into throat to articulate vowels and consonants. : freedom to produce and understand new words and sentences as the need arises + defining characteristic. The ability to form and interpret sentences is subject to systematic limitations. : focus on the mental system that allows human beings to form and interpret the sounds, words, and sentences of their language. Phonetics: the articulation and perception of speech sounds. Universality: grammars are alike in basic ways. Best known system: the international phonetic alphabet (ipa), which has been evolving since 1888. Units of representation: segments (individual phones) and features (smaller subunits) Lungs: the source of moving air: primary muscles intercostal (the muscles between the ribs) and diaphragm (the large sheet of muscle separating the chest cavity from the abdomen)