GEOG 217- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 67 pages long!)

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Jan 16th lecture 3 (geog 217) urban patterns and processes. Items like a cookie = low order good would not travel a long time for. Range of a good: distance willing to travel. Winnipeg was able to grow due to the transcontinental railroad. All the agriculture moved from prairies east, had to pass through first through winnipeg before being shipped off to factory east. Steel rails low policy rates (encourage agriculture) but railroad also benefits other cities (montreal/toronto) canada and usa) new transport links (car and truck) Integration of automobile industry highlights integration into the us economy instead of the uk. Have connections to: first half of 20th c was important in establishing the way. Canada is today: shift in orientation to usa and not towards europe, massive internal rural urban migration, regional trends, expansion of core or canada (winsor quebec. Mature industrial capitalism: post war period, major impacts of tech developments (especially during 1st.