GEOG 216- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 45 pages long!)

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Geog 216 geography of the world economy. Reading 1 overview: geographies of global change. Purpose of development -> improve quality of people(cid:495)s lives (cid:523)by providing secure jobs, housing, adequate nutrition, health services, affordable transportation and education) Challenges: environmental constrains : resources, pollution. Oil: unaffordable luxury for many countries: disparities of wealth btw rich and poor countries countries less. Measure: gnp per capita (life expectancy, infant mortality rates, literacy) 1,5 billion people (24% of pop) who do not have access to safe drinking water. 1945-1975: economic boom -> gnp more than doubled in dvped countries in dvping. Creation of a great gap btw rich and poor gap continues to widen. Globalization: result of the revolution in electronic communications that transformed the speed of info spread. Now: nation-states -> no more significant actors. Markets create inequalities (if unregulated -> reduction in well-being) Reading 2 the strcture and organization of economies. Problem of scarcity of resources affects mostly the dvping world.