FDSC 200- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 44 pages long!)

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Complex carbohydrates are also called: polysaccharides: many units of saccharides bonded together, macromolecules: molecules that contains hundreds or thousands of atoms. In most foods, starches are mixtures of amylose and amylopectin: granules: plants produce starch in packets called granules. Granules are not soluble in cold water, and their size and shape vary from plant to plant. Rice has the smallest granules, where as potatoes have the largest: ratios of amylose to amylopectin within granules cause a starch to perform different in food mixtures. Usually natural sources contain a range of 15-35% amylose and 65-85% amylopectin (more amylose than amylopectin: waxy starches: are mainly made of amylopectin, and are called waxy because of their appearance. Waxy maize from cornstarch has more thickening power than regular cornstarch. It is also known as fiber in the diet, which is an essential part of our diet: the difference is how it"s bound together, example: strings in celery and the membranes surrounding kernels of corn.