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Environmental systems: definition and properties of systems, eutrifiation of lakes increases as a result of precipitation changes. Incoming solar radiation at the poles su(cid:374)"s (cid:396)a(cid:455)s app(cid:396)oa(cid:272)h the earth at a low angle: solar energy is spread out over a large area. Atmospheric oscillations: forced vs natural variability, unforced harder to predict, temeconections. Summary: climate change is influenced by shifts in noa and pna and global warming, correct for flow regime changes indicates warming. Increases towards tropics: larger land mass, less harsh climte, more stable climates, species-energy hypothesis: greater exposure to solar energy greater productivity more species accommodated in food webs, higher speciation rate, richness decreases with elevation. Increases and then declines with depth in ocean. Inadvertent addition of nutrients can stimulate unwanted production: pp is max under conditions of. Intense sun: warm temp, abundant rainfall, ample nutrients, pp is highest in humid tropics. Increases rate of decompositition (soild organic matter: uncontrolled respiration leads to massive release of co2.