RELG 252 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nasadiya Sukta, South Asian Association For Regional Cooperation, Sacred Language

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Brahman is responsible for the liberation of samsara (death and rebirth). In advaita, a liberated human being sees brahman as his or her own true self. Brahmin: priests that occupy the highest order of the caste system. They administer to the spiritual needs of the people. The superiority of the brahmin caste is related to their roles as lords of the sacrifice, the power that controls the cosmos in the ancient vedic religion. The brahmins are called gods of the earth" because they carry the sacrifice of the gods. It is compromised of four groups of texts, rgveda samhit , sama veda samhit , Yajur veda samhit , and the atharva veda samhita. Most of this vast literature has yet to be translated into any modern language. Upanisads: one of the four genres of vedic literature, the upanisads existed from 800 bce- 18th century ce. The upanisads are not a homogenous group of texts.