RELG 207 Study Guide - Second Vatican Council, Ancient Greek Philosophy, Invisible Church

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Jesus is said to be the messiah that the jews were waiting for. Kingdom of god: jesus is the messiah elect ---> his status as the messiah although it is being fulfilled throughout his life, it is only going to be fully fulfilled when he returns (revelation) Sin: refers to disconnection or estrangement from god get the notion of original sin --> where adam from the garden of eden is the first sinner who transmits sin to all his descendants (= all humans) Kingdom of god: result of messianic age its often considered to be heaven in many interpretations. Christ often spoke about it in his teachings --> making the claim that the kingdom of god is already around us. Gospel: literally refers to good news good news that lives can be transformed through love, community, equality can also refer to a genre of books that appear in the new testament biographies of jesus" life.