RELG 201 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ancient Mesopotamian Religion, Babylonian Religion, Hyksos

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They worshipped the same gods as the mesopotamians. God adad: similar to baal, fertility god, associated with war. First empire in the world, which has an impact on their religion. We hear about them for the first time in 3rd millennium. Assyrians become very powerful: their religion is influenced by the fact that they were warriors. Kingship: giving the crown and the septor to the king, assyrians were crowned in assur by assur, assyrians changed the ancient tradition of being crowned in nippur, divine mandate over the people. King had to rule in the name of god. Unrevealed king": some kings added assur to their name. Formed a huge library, and many of things we know about mesopotamia comes from copies they made. Patron deity of the city of assur: assur was the first capital of assyria, kings were buried in assur, the origins of the city are unknown, capital for about 100 years.