ARTH 207 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Disputation Of The Holy Sacrament, Raphael Rooms, Pastoral Concert

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Padua is a center for revival because of the university, interest in talent and fame. Father was a sinner, usury considered a mortal sin. Builds this chapel as an act of atonement, repenting his sins, saves his reputation and his soul. Good ex of someone that has the power to shape his identity in society. The intended function of the work is not always the accepted, says the piece is more a work of vanity than spirituality. Giotto was taught in the byzantine style but then breaks free. Blue, unifying the whole thing (byzantine is very gold, looks much more naturalistic) Fresco technique (painting directly on the walls: giotto uses the wet frescoe (lasts longer) Great ordeal involving covering your work with wet plaster and painting each section in separate days (apprentices often paint the sky or something easy to help out)