ANTH 222 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sharia, Invented Tradition, Max Gluckman

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17 Mar 2016

Document Summary

When looking at a history of intellectual thought, it"s useless to hold past ideas to today"s standards and come up with a what was wrong with them response. For example, louise henry morgan"s ideas of societal evoluion, by today"s standards, is both wrong and racist, but considered in the imes it was formulated, make sense. Morgan categorized turning points for socieies as technological breakthroughs, while maine instead used individual legal rights. Durkheim believes in a collecive consciousness in which society existed above the individuals of which it was composed . Society determines individual acion, and not the other way around. This collecive consciousness changes from mechanical to organic. As insituions become more complex, roles become more diverse, and the collecive consciousness weakens. Believed that laws evolved over ime from repressive to restoraive. Unlike earlier theorists, such as spencer, didn"t believe that modernity was enirely posiive. Briish social anthropology focused more on law and legality than u. s.