ANTH 222 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Henry James Sumner Maine, Lewis H. Morgan, Cognatic Kinship

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Anth 222 midterm typed review: law & social progress. Natural selection + survival of the fittest applied in sociology/politics. Filter humans to displace those who are least adapted. Political implications are that states should not provide (cid:545)safety nets(cid:546) b/c. Competition is the basis of improvement in biology, So this should apply in human world too. Human interference with competition will cause damage to equilibrium. 19th century involved emphasis of teleological project of evolving humanity to one uniform goal. Do not confuse advanced societies to be (cid:545)superior(cid:546) societies. Comparative method: examines societies equally, but are all societies (cid:545)equal(cid:546)". Ancient rome was the ideal of progress. Change through loosening contractual familial bonds represent modernization. Status (what you(cid:1442)re born into) contract (self rights & responsibilities) Maine(cid:546)s analogy was similar to that of the earth(cid:546)s surface layers (status @ deep crust, contract at top surface) Progress made of linear trajectory based on material innovation (basis of institutions)