ANTH 203 Study Guide - Final Guide: Denisova Cave, Homo Floresiensis, Boules

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East african rift valley hospitable to fossilization (arid climate) The rift runs from afar region in ethiopia to southern malawi. Rift valleys are created by volcanic magma that force tectonic plates apart. Over time walls of valley erode and cause fossilization. Lake turkana/rift valley, kenya, and awash region, ethiopia. Bipedal, this is indicated by shape of lower leg bone (tibia) and ankle. Strong chewing abilities, flaring zygomatic arches, prognathic faces. Sexually dimorphic canine size (which on a whole is reminiscent of apes). Similar shape of hyoid to apes (affects sound-making) Looks very much like chimp, and has a short and wide pelvis with long femoral neck. They have non-opposable big toes and arched feet which indicates bipedalism. They were efficient walkers which was revealed by preserved footprints in volcanic ashes. Laetoli footprints (3. 5 mya) are possibly caused by afarensis. Larger dentition than afarensis robust molars and wide canine teeth ( ape nor human)