ANTH 203 : studyyyy.docx

108 views36 pages
19 Apr 2012

Document Summary

Religious beliefs about human origins have served as both a guide and justification for human actions. Humans were considered separate from the natural world but evolution connected humans to the natural world. Mid 18th century: linnaeus - classification of plants and animals places humans in the order primates. At first progressionism and natural theology attempted to fit biology into a religious framework. Progressionism is the stair theory everything is working towards god"s image and is on a different step. This was racistly used to rank people in the western world. Based theory on the inheritance of acquired characteristics. Acquired characteristics means that your children will inherit things that you have acquired can be proven wrong because if you cut off your hand your children will still have two. Evolution had little impact until genetics was explained. Big problem for early evolutionists was the 6,000 year biblical time-span, which did not allow time for evolution to occur.