ANTH 203 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Radiocarbon Dating, Absolute Dating, Population Genetics

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Progressivism influenced by enlightment of 18th century in france. Lewis henry morgan and herbert spencer know the key points. Thinkers: know the general order in which they (cid:498)came in history(cid:499) and what they"re known for (cid:523)john ray, comte de buffon and lamarck(cid:524). Understand general trajectory of western thought on our biological origins. Familiarize with his early life and influences, the roles these played in his formulation of evolution by natural selection. Understand his observations on the beagle (geological phenomena and living geological aspects. Understand his voyage (what is what for etc. ) biological organism and fossils) and how these helped build his two key conclusions: fierce competition in nature for resources and minute physical differences (color, size, etc. ) offer existential advantages. After voyage: how the idea of ns developed slowly and how. (e didn"t go on this voyage with a biology interest he was more interested in.