CHEM 222 Study Guide - Separatory Funnel, Carotene, Lab Report

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Experiment 6: column chromatography and tlc of spinach evaluation summary. Labs reports must be typed and chemical structures must be drawn with chemdraw. Report must not exceed five pages (including this page). Page limit does not include any attached spectra. ** deductions for hand written report/structures and exceeding page limit ** Experiment 6: column chromatography and tlc of spinach lab report guidelines. Include the following in your report (in the following order, use provided table): title, date, your name, your day/time/ta. Lab day: wednesday, ta: patrick julien, group: c: objective: (1 mark) The purpose of this experiment is to extract and separate the different pigments of the spinach extract: introduction: (2 marks) Brief description of the concept/reaction studied extraction, column chromatography and why it is important. The extraction process is efficient but is indiscriminate so we end up with a mixture of pigments.