CHEM 181 Study Guide - Final Guide: Macular Degeneration, Norovirus, Lycopene

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CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
CHEM 181 Full Course Notes
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Found in animals" intestines without harming them: contaminate meat if intestine is ruptured. Can also contaminate spinach, cantaloupe, unpasteurized apple juice. Bottled garlic stored under oil can produce botulin (most toxic substance) Norwalk virus: can live outside of the body; sweep across ships. At the time, tomatoes were shunned: related to belladonna plant thus ppl thought it was toxic. Robert gibbon johnson saw europeans eating tomatoes and prospered. Introduced tomato eating to america by eating one. Antioxidants, and chemical called lycopene: lycopene: reduce risk of macular degeneration and keep people healthy, may potentially reduce prostate/cervical cancer. Arthur hasali (1850) steel fork coated with copper when mashing gooseberries iron react with copper compounds oxidation reduction reaction ionic copper reduced to metallic copper: but don"t want copper compound in your food. Chalk added to watered down milk to make it thicker. Arsenic and boric acid sprinkled on meat and fish as preservatives: arsenic can kill people.