BIOL 205 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sarcomere, Myofibril, Myoglobin

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P6: slow twitch vs fast twitch fibers - always there. Skeletal muscles: several bundles of muscle fibers, many myofibrils, bundle of thin actin and thick myosin, divided into contractile units sarcomeres. One act of contraction twitch: contraction by firing of motor neurons. Depends on number firing and frequency of firing. Spatial and temporal summation: two types of muscle fibers. Lots of myoglobin, mitochondria and blood vessels. High level of atp, glycogen and fat. Good for long distance runners, cross-country skiers, bicyclists. Develop higher tension than slow-twitch and quicker. Good for short burst of activity sprinting, weight lifting. Spine is free to flex in vertical plane. Stride length is increased with right flexion and extension. Spine flexion allows extra rotation of hip and shoulder girdles increases swing of the leg legs reach out farther, both front and back. Small animal = larger surface to volume ratio = more air-resistance.