BIOL 205 Study Guide - Final Guide: Posterior Pituitary, Anterior Pituitary, Prolactin

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Do not know all of the hormones - read them though. Control synthesis and secretions of hormones in pituitary gland. Tropic hormones: hormones released by anterior pituitary, mostly tropic act on other hormonal glands, prolactin. Important for reproduction: hormones released by posterior pituitary, secrete 2 hormones, oxytocin controls smooth muscle contraction in uterus during labor/nursing, adh water balance. Secreted out of body of the animal into the surrounding medium air or water: pheromones, used to communicate with members of same species, pheromones evolved into hormones, exocrine secretions that travel from one body to another. Active space: smaller at high wind speeds: can be used as odor-trails, some insects caste and hierarchy. P13: allomones, kairomones: allomones, also pheromones, adaptively favorable to the animal that produces them, one-way chemical weapons which attack receiver, 2-way where both the receiver and emitter benefit, kairomones, favorable to receiver but harmful effects on emitter.