BIOL 205 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Absorption Spectroscopy, Action Spectrum, Radiant Energy

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E= necessary for life, but where does it come from: food and energy requirements of plants and animals. Simple molecules are absorbed and then organized in more complex macromolec. Need of material and e to make it. Plants receive e from sunlight, but food from air or soil- need simple inorganic matter. Animals receive food & e at same time. Plants need e (sun), co2 (air), mineral( soil) +seed non elaborated, simple food. Animals complex food, made by plants/other animals. So plants = primary producers of e and food (do so through photosynthesis: composition if sunlight and interactions light/matter. = small part of electromagnetic radiation from sun, in a 400nm to 700nm. Energy comes from excitation of electron (induced by heating of photon) E is inversely proportional to wavelength e= h*c/wavelength. Photons with higher energy are the one with shorter wave length visible light ( especially those in violet )