BIOL 205 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Equilibrium Thermodynamics, Autopoiesis, Negative Feedback

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For creation of planet, size = super important. H, c , he, li first synthetised = pre biological synthesis (elements synthetised before life appeared) Then radiation was used as an energy source and organic compounds were synthetised. Pre-biotic molecules complex arose = constant exchange of material and e with environment. Life was bound to appear a continuation of chemical evolution. Living state = non equilibrium always evolve: Life needs both degradation and synthesis to occur allows system to maintain itself and avoid equilibrium. But (according to first law thermodynamics) system always moves towards equilibrium. When reach equilibrium = death = no entropy: chemical elements used in life. Life possible thanks to h,c,n,o ( can all form long chain of polymer = multiple evolutionary possibilities) Special organisation of matter = self regulating/organising/renewing. Possibility that life came from si/ammonium: organisms characteristics. Can have some similar characteristic with non-living but non-living doesn"t have all of them.