BIOL 115 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Tight Junction, Cell Junction, Chemical Polarity

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Document Summary

This course allows us to think critically about biology in what we read about science/biology in news/mags/etc. Being skeptical always, asking questions always, always being ready to change your point of view. What is science: a way of knowing things, a body of knowledge accumulated through scientific investigation. Observation, then question, then hypothesis (informed guess), then experiments (try to reject some hypotheses), then conclusion. Theory: if hypothesis comes to be recognized as broad and general (like the cell theory). So a broad intellectual construct, supported by evidence, that has explanatory power . Scientific method at work pasteur tests spontaneous generation . Observation: when you start with a sterile flask of sterile meat broth, a growth of living material generally appears in the broth. The living material came from nothing spontaneous generation . The living material is derived from living material outside the flask.